11 March 2010

Welcome to Sunny Pohang!

Well . . .  that's at least what all the folks around here had told us we would be enjoying by this time in March -- lots of sunshine and increasingly warmer temperatures.  So, it came as quite a surprise last evening when I learned that there was snow in the forecast again.  When we arrived nearly a month ago now, the eastern part of Korea (where we are located) had just been blanketed with about 5 inches of snow -- more than they had received in the last 20 years, we were told.  It never snows like this in Pohang!  It was a fluke, not global climate change.
Right! So, if it should snow again, it would only be a dusting.  You can imagine our reaction, then, when we opened the door to our apartment Wednesday morning and found that nearly 6 inches of snow had fallen in the night and it was still coming down, and I mean coming down like a blizzard!  A second record-setting snow in Pohang.  Sandy was undaunted!  Being the industrious person she is, she immediately said, "If we can't take our walk this morning, then we need to find a shovel!"

So, off I went to the Student Union (that's the building at the end of the street in the photo above).  There's a construction project underway to expand the SU, and just under that big canopy I found a large pile of sand into which was stuck a flat-bladed shovel. I trudged back through the new fallen snow and presented my find. Sandy promptly took the shovel and began clearing a path from our front door all the way along the walkway in front of the Mission House to the point at the end where the walkway meets the street.
In no time at all, Sandy had completed the task of removing several inches of snow from our building's front walk.  But, was she finished? No way! If you even began to think that she was satisfied with only shoveling the walkway, you don't know my wife very well at all.  Having cleared off our neighbors sidewalks, she then proceeded to shovel the stairway that leads to the apartments on the second floor of the Mission House.  Now, did I tell you that we were doing all this shoveling at 6:30 in the morning? 
By 7am, we had completed clearing all the snow in front of the Mission House and on the stairwell!  What a warm welcome we've been experiencing here in Sunny Pohang!  The lack of sunshine, though, hasn't put a damper on Sandy's readiness to get a job done when she sees a need! 
And, I'm happy to report, all that snow has nearly melted away in two days.  In fact, I spotted a cherry tree in blossom on my walk over to All Nations Hall this morning!  The sure signs of Spring have begun to show themselves. So, we're looking forward to some soon coming sunny days here in Pohang.

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