16 October 2009

Is There a Universal Language?

Is there a medium of communication understood by all humans? How about all living beings? Is there a way of conveying meaning to others that can be apprehended by others no matter where you are or who you are with? For a stranger, a foreigner, an alien in a strange, foreign and alien land this is a persistent question. The type of question that keeps coming back and confronting you in the face of your on-going life experiences.

When your TA ("Teaching Assistant" also means for me, "Translation Assistant") is not at your side, you quickly reach the point where you are desperately searching for a medium of common communication -- a universal means of conveying meaning. My nine weeks here in Korea have convinced me that the answer to this perplexing question is not found in any naturally spoken human language -- that's right, not even Esperanto!

What I'm finding, though, is that there is a universal language, and it is the universe itself. Those things in the universe around us -- both near by in nature and far out in space -- we see, we hear, we apprehend (and by we I mean all humans no matter your country of citizen or ethnicity) what all of us need to see, to hear, to apprehend. And, by looking and listening to what surrounds us all and what we all share, we can experience a common means of communication.

One of the best examples of this universal reality is music -- and yes, some of you, my regular readers, may be asking right now, has the drum and cymbal corps begun another evening rehearsal? They have. -- But, it is not particular styles of music that I'm talking about, it is the human activity of making (or attempting to make)music that expresses this universality of meaning that is found in the universe itself.

Music is apart of the universe that is. Some have suggested that music is the artistic expression of the science of mathematics displaying the purpose, order and design that characterizes the universe that is. So, music may be one of the media for convey meaning and delight to ourselves and to others. True enough, you may respond that music as an expression may display dissonance and irresolution.

There is, though, music that will attract and delight humans no matter what their culture may be. It is music that displays the wonder of the universe in the same way that a glorious sunset delights all who witness it. It is music that expresses the wonder of life even as a blooming flower or the autumn blaze of colors across a hardwood valley. I hear this music in the songs that resonate through Handong's halls and hills.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

(Psalm 19:1-4)

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