I've now been back in the States for five weeks. Much of my time since returning has been spent with my mother who still lives in my hometown in central Missouri. She has been experiencing some health issues which at 81 years of age can be quite debilitating. I've been thankful that I have been able to be near, help and encourage her. My days with her have affirmed God's direction for me at this time.
During my visits with my mother, I've also have been afforded a considerable amount of quite time. So among other studies, I've been reading Eric Metaxas' new biography on Bonhoffer. It gives some wonderful insights into the daily life and struggles Bonhoeffer encountered, especially in the mid to late 1930's, as he sought to learn and do what he believed to be God's will for his life. Bonhoeffer's view of the Scripture comes through quite vividly as he writes to his family and friends regarding his decisions.
Bonhoeffer believed that God desired to and did speak very personally to his servants through his Word. He read the Scriptures daily with an anticipation of God's revelation to him -- not, however, of some new or extra-biblical idea, but of God's will for him. When pondering whether to stay in America in the summer of 1939 as Germany under Hitler was on the verge of war, Bonhoeffer read Isaiah 28:16, "The one who believes does no flee" and became convinced that to remain in America was "to flee" from his responsibility before God in Germany.
He decided to leave the safety and security of America and return as soon as possible to his homeland. A few days later he read 2 Timothy 4 - "Do thy diligence to come before winter" and reflected in his personal journal upon this verse in these words: "Come before winter" -- it is not a misuse of Scripture if I take that to be said to me. If God gives me grace to do it." (Emphasis in the original) (p. 340 in Metaxas).
As I think about the way Bonhoeffer lived his life, I am becoming more and more convinced these days that to live a life truly submitted to God's Word, I too must look daily to God in faith with an expectation for his guidance and direction through the revelation of his Word. This will not come by the effort of analyzing the Word with human reason, but through the work of the Holy Spirit in a heart and mind that desires to do God's will.
I believe this is one of the most important lessons that I have been learning during the past year, most of which I have lived abroad at Handong. I am open to return and serve others there in the future as God directs. For now, though, I'll remain here seeking to study, practice and teach God's Word and way by serving others, my mother and family chief among them. I'm also thinking of starting a new blog where I'll continue to post some of my persistent ponderings along the way.
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